Why Should You Have a Responsive Website?

Responsive websites are becoming very popular and the growth rate of people talking about and using this in their sites is fast becoming the norm. So, why should you be using a responsive website?

More and more people are using mobile devices such as Smartphones and tablets of all different screen size. Some people will try to view your website in portrait mode whilst others will view it in landscape mode. This means that your website should be responding to the way people are viewing your site, that way you will always have a very happy customer.

A lot of people are still viewing websites with a desktop screen, these screens vary a lot in size. Especially now with HD smart Televisions, you never know just what screen is being used to view your website.

This is where responsive website design comes in, if your site can respond to certain changes in a screen size and what mode it's in then you can serve your website to 100% of web users out there. People have always been penalizing certain users who view sites on certain devices and this should no longer be the case. Web designers and developers should be focusing on getting their site viewable to as many potential customers as possible, and it's so easy to get into it.

If you are someone who is dreading the idea of going into responsive design, then you could use Bootstrap or Foundation to help with the foundation of your website. Once you have your site looking good within the main audience you are targeting then start going through to smaller or larger devices depending on which way you want to go.

It all starts with media queries in your CSS, but if you don't know what CSS or HTML is then you should start there and go from the basics. It's really easy to start learning and get to grips with web design that it should only take a couple of weeks for you to start building a simple website from start to finish.

There are many great tutorials out there for you to get started. Books are also great for purchasing and reading into as they can usually contain a lot more detail than most tutorials on the internet.

Or of you haven't got the time then why don't you hire someone to build your Website? There are a lot of great Freelancers and companies out there who could help serve your needs for the website of your dreams.
